June 12, 2013

Converting Drawing View to Sketch (SolidWorks 2013 Feature)

Have you ever wanted to take a drawing view and make it into a standard block that you could use in layout drawings? You have a part model, but you only want a 2D “picture” of it? You want to mirror a drawing view, avoiding to create the model for the opposite hand part, since the only thing needed is an extra Isometric view

The answer to above questions is this new feature in 2013 version of SolidWorks. This feature enables you to convert a drawing view to sketch entities or a block of sketch entities using the Convert View to Sketch PropertyManager.

The other advantage of this is if you convert you views to sketch, you can directly send the drawing file to other users, no need to send the part or assembly model.

convert drawing view in solidworks

From the shortcut menu, you can convert a drawing view to sketch entities or a block of sketch entities.

In a drawing view, right-click and click Convert View to Sketch as shown in the picture below.

In the Convert View to Sketch Property Manager, you can get the following three options as shown in the picture below. Here we are selecting the first option that is Replace view with sketch.

Replace view with sketch: Replaces the drawing view with equivalent 2D sketch entities.
Replace view with block: Replaces the drawing view with equivalent 2D sketch entities that are grouped in a block.
Insert as block: Creates a separate block comprised of equivalent 2D sketch entities that you can place anywhere in the drawing.
You need to do this for each view individually. Once done you will hardly see any difference between the drawing view and the one replaced with sketch as shown below. The advantage is now you can forward this drawing file to any user and he should be able to open this without the need of 3D model.
The difference is in the Property Manger is as shown below. You will see that there are very few options shown when you select a view.