April 6, 2015

Customizing Weldment Cut List

SolidWorks Weldments offer a convenient solution for heavy structural sections.  

A weldment is an object with many parts welded together.  This can include everything from beams to structural sections.  Much of the fabrication can be simplified using what is known as a cut list.  The cut list is similar to a BOM and specifies the details of the beams or structural sections that require cutting.  Customizing the cut list to suit your needs is helpful to present relevant information for fabrication.

Take for example a simple frame weldment as shown below.  

weldment cut list solidworks

By default, cut list items are given generic names.  In order to rename the cut list items you need to first check to ensure SolidWorks settings are correct.  Go to Tools>Options> Document Properties Tab> Weldments.  Ensure that “Rename cut list folders with Description property value” is unchecked.

weldment profile solidworks

Next, you can select the weldment bodies by selecting a cut list item and renaming it to a name of your choice.  In this case we are renaming it to SIDETUBES

cut list solidworks

In order to edit cut list properties you can right click our newly renamed bodies “SIDETUBES” and select properties.  A cut list properties box should appear with custom properties available for you to add and modify as you see fit.  These values will appear on the cut list generated for this weldment and behaves similarly to the properties in the BOM.

custom weldment cut list solidworks

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